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Time flies and before you know it is Christmas. That is just two weeks from now !!
If you have someone in your environment that is interested in microcontrollers, electronics and the internet of things consider buying one of my books as a gift. And please do not wait to long as printing times around this time of year are increasing.

ESP32 Simplified discusses the popular ESP32 which is often used in projects on this weblog. The book starts with some background information and then shows how to install the free obtainable software on your computer. A short introduction to the C++ programming language is included. After this there are tutorials on the many sensors that can be attached to the ESP32. The movement detector, vibration sensor, thermometer, licht sensor are discussed next to the simple push button. There is a comprehensive tutorial on how to have these sensors display their information on a webpage, as the ESP32 has wifi capabilities. Displaying your data on a cloud-service like thingspeak and sending notifications to your phone with IFTTT are also included. If you do not want/need a webpage the book shows how to display information by using leds, neopixels, an oled screen or a seven segment display.
Everything is explained in an easy to follow way and as all projects are build on a breadboard no soldering is needed. The book is aimed at beginners but also at electronics hobbyists that have no experience with microcontrollers and wifi.
368 Pages for just 19.95 Euro or 22.95 USD
Get it on Amazon and support this weblog:

Raspberry is widely known for its tiny and cheap Linux computers. And this year they introduced the Raspberry Pi Pico which is a microcontroler just as the Arduino. The difference is that the Pico is dead-cheap and fast. You can get a Pico for around 5 USD. The Raspberry Pi Pico can be programmed with the easy to learn Micro-Python language. The Pico lacks wifi, use the ESP32 for that, but that should be no onstruction. The Arduino also lacks wifi and hundreds of projects can be made with it.
The book starts with installing the, free obtainable, software and then gives a tutorial on the Micro-Python programming language. Following that the book discusses many popular sensors like movement, vibration, tilt, temperature, touch, light and distance sensors. To show the measurements of these sensors leds, neopixels, oled screen and seven segment displays are discussed. Each chapter has build instructions on a breadboard and the program sources so you can easily rebluid each example.
The book is written in easy to follow language and larded with examples and ideas building your own projects.
This book is only available in English and can be ordered through amazon by this link:
Or just search for Luc Volders on Amazon.
Just as with the ESP32 book: do not wait too long with ordering as printing and shipping times this time of the year are increasing.
Have fun.
Till next time
Luc Volders