My stories indexed

Index of Luc's Tech Blog

3D Designs

Anchor hook - Design your own clothing hook
Anti theft alarm - a vibration alarm with an Android notification

Bubble level - make your own bubble level
Build a shackleguard - a marine thing 
Build your own button caps - Remixing in Tinkercad
Candle Maker - A mold to make candles from milk cartons
Cardboard suspensions -
A system to hang a cardboard display on the wall
Card display aid - A small printed object that adjusts my girlfriends card display
Charlieplexing 4 - Larson scanner 
Cheat on your pedometer - a frame with a servo to simulate steps
Corners with magnets for working with cardboard
Creality CR20 Pro arrived - My first impressions of my new 3D printer
Custom switches - Make a mold for your custom switches
Cutting up designs in Tinkercad
- Cut up your designs to fit them on the printerbed
Embossing print in Bookbinding - an easy way to make an embossed book cover
ESP8266 Computer - Make your ESP8266 look as a retro computer or a small box
Fence caps
Fence caps revisited - almost 10 year later !!
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Frame for Paintings
Happy 2017 - A 3D printed holliday card
Hearts as holders for tealights
Hook for paintings
A hook for miniature paintings 
Hook for shelves

Lightmouse - Just move your hand to move the mousepointer 
Magic wand - Use a tilt sensor to control your lamps
Making molds from your 3D prints
Octoprint notifications to TelegramTelegram notifies when your print is ready
Person counter part 2 - Track the maximum number of people

Piezo becomes buzzer - make a housing for your piezo sensor. 
Rain Sensor - Get an alert on a webpage when it rains   
Spacers also to be used as a piggybank

Simon - Stripboard and casing for the popular game
SVG to STL -
Convert SVG files to STL for printing

Wifi Thermometer - Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
Watch your print orientation - You may save some time
Waterproofing your prints - Test if 3D prints are waterproof



Android emulator - LDPlayer an android emulator for testing projects
Android customer counter - Build an app that tracks the number of customers
Anti theft alarm - a vibration alarm with an Android notification
App Inventor
Arduino to Android - Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II - Use your phone as a display for projects

Back to school - Educate yourself with free courses from edX
Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk 

Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)

Control Domoticz with your own APP - Build an Android app to control Domoticz
Dweet with Android - Design an APP to use Dweet on your Phone
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone

ESP voice control with ESP Basic - Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Google Assistant on your Smart Phone - control your lights with your phone
Image recognition for free - Build your own AI app
IFTTT introduction - What is IFTTT and what can we do with it part 1
IFTTT part 4
- Send a notification to my phone
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
Installing prohibited apps - Install them anyway
File transfer with Telegram - send files easily from your phone to your PC
Ledstrip Controlling part 2 - How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over Bluetooth

Lightmouse - Just move your hand to move the mousepointer
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Octoprint notifications to TelegramTelegram notifies when your print is ready

Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes. 

Relay commander - Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth

Sending data from ESP8266 to Android - Using ESP Basic
Simple countdown timer - a simple timer made in App Inventor 
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger
Telegram for IOT - request sensor data with Telegram 

The Great Dictator part 2 - Use your voice to dictate notes on your phone
Turn a webpage into an APP - Make a dedicated App from HTML and Javascript

UDP Communication Part 4 - communication between Android and ESP8288  
Voice Command - Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Web services that turn a website into an app - Not only a site but plain Javascript too

Wifi Relay - Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App
Wifi Voice Commander - control leds and relays with your voice
Winemaker App - An Android App for winemakers 
Working in the Cloud

App Inventor

Android customer counter - Build an app that tracks the number of customers
App Inventor
App of the month - A bit of bragging
Arduino to Android - Use your phone as a display for your projects 
Arduino to Android part II - Use your phone as a display for projects

Back to school - Educate yourself with free courses from edX
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)
Control Domoticz with your own APP - Build an Android app to control

Dweet with Android - Design an APP to use Dweet on your Phone 
ESP voice control with ESP Basic - Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
Image recognition for free - Build your own AI app 
Ledstrip Controlling part 2 - How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over Bluetooth
Relay commander - Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth

Sending data from ESP8266 to Android - Using ESP Basic
Simple countdown timer - a simple timer made in App Inventor
UDP Communication Part 4 - communication between Android and ESP8288 
Voice Command - Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Wifi Relay - Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App 
Wifi Voice Commander - control leds and relays with your voice
Winemaker App - An Android App for winemakers


433 Mhz Transmitter and Receiver
Alarm !!
- Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier

Analog pull-down resistor - Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller
An easy gesture controller part 2 - 
use the gesture controller as a mouse
An easy gesture controller part 3 - control a maze game

Arduino Cookbook
Arduino IDE 2.0 -
The new Arduino IDE 
Arduino Nano driver
Arduino to Android - Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II - Use your phone as a display for projects
Bluetooth module - first look at the HC06
Charlieplexing 1 - A method for attaching more leds you your outputs
Charlieplexing 2 - refining the software 

Charlieplexing 3 - an easy way for wiring the leds
Charlieplexing 4 - Larson scanner
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Cutting up the ledstrip - How to cut a 5 meter ledstrip in smaller parts

Flex and pressure sensor - Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Interrupts syntax changed
Hand washing aid - wash your hands safely in the corona crisis
Ledstrip Controlling part 1 - How to power and control a RGB ledstrip
Ledstrip Controlling part 2 - How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over Bluetooth

Lightmouse - Just move your hand to move the mousepointer
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.  

Motion Detection with Radar - An alternative for a PIR 
Neopixels intro
NUW - The clock that displays time in resistor color codes 
Overclocking the Pico2 in the Arduino IDE

Permanent storage using EEPROM
Person Counter -
a manual counter for counting shop customers

Powering your project - Using a double USB poweroutlet 
Piezo becomes buzzer - make a housing for your piezo sensor. 
Relay commander - Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth

Simon - The popular game written in Arduino IDE 
Simon - Stripboard and casing for the popular game
Simulate your projects with WOKWI
- a simulator for many controllers and languages
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Ticker library problem - Ticker does not work with wifi
Unlimited outputs - Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
Unlimited outputs - now with Arduino C++ language  for Arduino ESP and Attiny85 
Vibration detection - ESP-Basic program to detect vibration easily adaptable
Voice Command - Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal


Analog pull-down resistor - Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller

Arduino to Android - Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II - Use your phone as a display for projects
Charlieplexing 1 - A method for attaching more leds you your outputs
Charlieplexing 2 - refining the software

Charlieplexing 3 - an easy way for wiring the leds
Charlieplexing 4 - Larson scanner
Compiler Bug - how to solve the bug in the Attiny85 compiler
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable

Ledstrip Controlling part 2 - How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over Bluetooth
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports 
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes. 
Neopixels intro
NUW - The clock that displays time in resistor color codes

Permanent storage using EEPROM
Powering your project - Using a double USB poweroutlet 
Relay commander - Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth
Simon - The popular game written in Arduino IDE  
Simon - Stripboard annd casing for the popular game
Simulate your projects with WOKWI - a simulator for many controllers and languages
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Unlimited outputs - now with Arduino C++ language  for Arduino ESP and Attiny85  
Voice Command - Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal


ESPBasic Language
Anti theft alarm - a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Back to Basic - introduction to ESP-Basic
Cheapskate - test wether your fridge light is on or off

Choosing colors for a webpage - Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
Dweet - A volatile IOT Cloud service 
Dweet again - Have your ESP8266 send data to Dweet with ESPBasic
ESP voice control with ESP Basic - Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP power reduction with Deepsleep - Use less power in your projects
ESP sending data to Domoticz - Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP to ESP communication - direct communication between multiple ESP's 
Flex and pressure sensor - Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Freeboard revisited 1
Use Freeboard to present your data graphically
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins

Google Home and the ESP8266 - Turn on your devices with your voice
IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT - Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion

IoTtweet part 1 - This service no longer exists
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.  

More IO pins for your ESP-01 - 2 extra IO ports for the ESP01
Motion Detection with Radar - An alternative for a PIR
Ping Ping Anybody home ??? - test your presence by pinging the phone
Remote controlled Car - Build a remote controlled car with an ESP8266 
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I - Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
RGB-strip control over wifi part II - Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Sending data from ESP8266 to Android - Using ESP Basic
Tea Timer - A wifi controlled tea timer 
Unlimited outputs - Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
UDP Communication Part 1 - communication between 2 ESP8266's 
UDP Communication Part 2 - communication between multiple ESP8266's 
UDP Communication  Part 3 - communication between Raspberry and ESP8266
UDP Communication Part 4 - communication between Android and ESP8288
Vibration detection - ESP-Basic program to detect vibration easily adaptable
Washing machine monitor - Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
Wifi Thermometer - Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
Thingspeak - A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud


Arduino to Android - Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II - Use your phone as a display for projects
Bluetooth module - first look at the HC06
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
Ledstrip Controlling part 2 - How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over Bluetooth
Relay commander - Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth
Voice Command - Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands

Dallas DS18B20 Temperature sensor

Back to Basic - introduction to ESP-Basic

ESP sending data to Domoticz - Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage
Pico audio 4 - Build a talking thermometer

Thingspeak - A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Wifi Thermometer - Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer




9 Volts power plug - Make your own 9Volts power plug for an AC-adapter

Analog pull-down resistor - Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller
An easy gesture controller part 2 - use the gesture controller as a mouse

Breadboard hack for ESP8266 and ESP32 - make your breadboard fit
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable

Create a new component in Cirkit 

Custom switches - Make a mold for your custom switches with Oogoo
Cutting up the ledstrip - How to cut a 5 meter ledstrip in smaller parts
DIY Breadboard cables - Make your own cables from paperclips
Examine before throwing away - you never know what you might find

Flex and pressure sensor - Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Infinity Mirror
Infinity Mirror Part 2 
Ledstrip Controlling part 1 - How to power and control a RGB ledstrip
LM 317 - How to make any voltage you need
Migrating Cirkit from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu)

MP3 Player - build a stand alone MP3 player
Painting packaging - An alternative way for packaging

Piezo becomes buzzer - make a housing for your piezo sensor.
PIR Basics - Movement detection with a PIR 
Polarity tester - A simple circuit to test your power supply

Powering your project - Using a double USB poweroutlet 
Scavenging leds from Christmas decorations - how to get leds for an ulktra low price 
Scavenging on the flea market - get your power supplies for next to nothing
Tactile switches - An easy way to connect tactile switches
USB Power meter - cheap meter that shows your power use

Vibration detection - detect vibration easily
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal
Watch your cables - cables can give power problems
Wire tester - Use the polarity tester to check for short circuits

ESP8266 / NodeMCU

Alarm !! - Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier
Analog pull-down resistor - Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller

Anti theft alarm - a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Arduino IDE 2.0 - The new Arduino IDE

Back to Basic - introduction to ESP-Basic
Battery powering the ESP8266

Beware of powerbanks with an ESP - Powerbanks do not always work with an ESP
Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk 

Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Breadboard hack for ESP8266 and ESP32 - make your breadboard fit
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)
Cheapskate - test wether your fridge light is on or off
Choosing colors for a webpage - Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Connecting a 12v doorbell to your ESP - Bring your doorbell to the IOT
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Domoticz send data to ESP - Command your ESP from your home automation
Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.
Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython 

Dweet - A volatile IOT Cloud service
Dweet again - Have your ESP8266 send data to Dweet with ESPBasic  
Dweet with Arduino - Dweeting using the Arduino language 
ESP8266 Computer - Make your ESP8266 look as a retro computer or a small box
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT

ESP Controlled ledstrip - Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
ESPEasy part 1 - Installing ESPEasy
ESPEasy part 2 - Send data from ESP to ESP 
ESPEasy part 3 - Freeboard an IOT dashboard with ESPEasy
EspEasy part 4 - Send data to Whatsapp
EspEasy part 5 - Send data to Telegram
ESP power reduction with Deepsleep - Use less power in your projects
ESP8266 Programming boardAn easy way to program the ESP01

ESP8266-01 Programming board (new) - a commercial programming board for ESP-01
ESP sending data to Domoticz - Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP to ESP communication - direct communication between multiple ESP's
ESP voice control with ESP Basic - Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage  
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Flashing the ESP8266
- get your board ready to program

Flex and pressure sensor - Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Freeboard revisited 1Use Freeboard to present your data graphically

Freeboard revisited 2
- Run your own freeboard on a free webhost
Freeboard revisited 3 - Build a freeboard console in Javascript
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Geofencing - Perform actions in Domoticz automatically depending on your presence

Getting the right time - using LUA code
Google Home and the ESP8266 - Turn on your devices with your voice

Google Assistant on your Smart Phone - control your lights with your phone 
Hand washing aid - wash your hands safely in the corona crisis
HTTPClient library update - an update for many of my esp8266 projects 

IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT - Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
Interrupts syntax changed 
IoTtweet part 1 - This service no longer exists
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips
- My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript

Magic wand - Use a tilt sensor to control your lamps

More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports 
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.  

More IO pins for your ESP-01 - 2 extra IO ports for the ESP01
Motion Detection with Radar - An alternative for a PIR
MPU6050 data in degrees in stead of gibberish
Neopixels intro
NodeMCU breadboard aid - a small stripboard to help breadboarding the NodeMCU

Ping Ping Anybody home ??? - test your presence by pinging the phone
Permanent storage using EEPROM
Person Counter - a manual counter for counting shop customers
Person counter part 2 - Track the maximum number of people 
Powering your project - Using a double USB poweroutlet

Power reduction - use Deepsleep to power projects with batteries 
Rain Sensor - Get an alert on a webpage when it rains
Relay Server  - Control your lights over the internet AND manual

Remote controlled Car - Build a remote controlled car with an ESP8266
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I - Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
RGB-strip control over wifi part II - Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Sending data from ESP8266 to Android - Using ESP Basic
Sending an alert to Telegram - Let your sensors warn you
Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz
- Use an ESP8266 to control your home through Domoticz
Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz Part II - Send thermometer values to Domoticz
ESP sending data to Domoticz part 3 - Build a webpage to control Domoticz 
Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266

Simon - The popular game written in the Arduino IDE 
Simon - Stripboard and casing for the popular game 
Steady hand game - amuse yourself during the Corona crisis 
Tea Timer - A wifi controlled tea timer
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger

Telegram for IOT
- request sensor data with Telegram
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers

Ticker library problem - Ticker does not work with wifi 
Time is of the essence - Getting the right time from an NTP server for ESP8266 and ESP32 

Thingspeak - A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Universal code for ESP8266 and ESP32
Unlimited outputs - Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
Unlimited outputs - now with Arduino C++ language  for Arduino ESP and Attiny85  
UDP Communication Part 1 - communication between 2 ESP8266's
UDP Communication Part 2 - communication between multiple ESP8266's
UDP Communication  Part 3 - communication between Raspberry and ESP8266 
UDP Communication Part 4 - communication between Android and ESP8288  
Vibration detection - ESP-Basic program to detect vibration easily adaptable
Washing machine monitor - Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal

Web Controlled MP3 player - with software for ESP8266 and ESP32
Webserver part 1 text fields - sending text from a webpage to ESP8266 or ESP32
Webserver part 2 buttons - have your esp react on buttons on a webpage
Webserver part 3 - Button with status save and led indicator
Webserver part 4 - Sliders
Webserver part 5 - Neopixel control with sliders
Webserver part  6 - Gauges on your ESP's webpage 

Wifi Thermometer - Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
Wifi Relay - Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App
Wifi Voice Commander - control leds and relays with your voice


Alarm !! - Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier
An easy gesture controller
Arduino IDE 2.0 - The new Arduino IDE 
Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk
Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor 
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Connecting a 12v doorbell to your ESP - Bring your doorbell to the IOT

Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable

Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz

Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.
Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz 
Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython 

ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP
- WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT 

ESP32 Analog-read problem - Not all analog pins co-operate with Wifi
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
ESP 32 Simplified - My book on the ESP32 worldwide available
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage
Breadboard hack for ESP8266 and ESP32 - make your breadboard fit
Brown out problem solved - Solve this power problem
Choosing colors for a webpage - Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
Domoticz send data to ESP - Command your ESP from your home automation  

ESP32 uitgelegd nu verkrijgbaar - Mijn boek over de ESP32 is nu te koop
ESP32-Cam programming board
ESP32-Cam programming board re-visited - solve slow connection
ESP32-Cam experiment board
ESP32-Cam doorbell - build a doorbell with Blynk and the ESP32-cam
ESP32-Cam with Octoprint - Use the ESP32 as a cheap cam for Octoprint
ESPEasy part 1 - Installing ESPEasy 

ESPEasy part 2
- Send data from ESP to ESP
ESPEasy part 3 - Freeboard an IOT dashboard with ESPEasy
EspEasy part 4 - Send data to Whatsapp
EspEasy part 5 - Send data to Telegram
Freeboard revisited 1Use Freeboard to present your data graphically
Freeboard revisited 2 - Run your own freeboard on a free webhost

Freeboard revisited 3 - Build a freeboard console in Javascript

Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Installing the ESP32 - Installing the ESP32 in the Arduino IDE
Interrupts syntax changed 
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips
- My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript

Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother -
ESP32 and Pico
Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother over Uart - ESP32 and Pico
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.  

Make your Google Assistant talk !!
MPU6050 data in degrees in stead of gibberish
ESP makes  Google Assistant talk part II - Make your Assistant tell the temperature
Permanent storage using EEPROM
Piezo becomes buzzer - make a housing for your piezo sensor.
Sending an alert to Telegram - Let your sensors warn you 

Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266
Simulate your projects with WOKWI - a simulator for many controllers and languages
Talkie part 1 - make your ESP32 speak out with speech synthesises
Talkie part 2 - A talking clock
Talking thermometer - Talkie part 3
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger
Telegram for IOT - request sensor data with Telegram 

Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Time is of the essence - Getting the right time from an NTP server for ESP8266 and ESP32   Universal code for ESP8266 and ESP32  
Unlimited outputs - now with Arduino C++ language  for Arduino ESP and Attiny85
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal

Web Controlled MP3 player - with software for ESP8266 and ESP32
Webserver part 1 text fields - sending text from a webpage to ESP8266 or ESP32
Webserver part 2 buttons - have your esp react on buttons on a webpage 
Webserver part 3 - Button with status save and led indicator
Webserver part 4 - Sliders 
Webserver part 5 - Neopixel control with sliders 
Webserver part 6 - Gauges on your ESP's webpage 



Google Home Assistant

Google Assistant on your Smart Phone - control your lights with your phone
Google Home and the ESP8266 - Turn on your devices with your voice
Make your Google Assistant talk !!
ESP makes  Google Assistant talk part II - Make your Assistant tell the temperature
Visible feedback for the Raspberry Home Assistant - Attach a led that shows activity

IFTTT (If this then that)

IFTT Sets their users in the dark if they do not pay !!

Anti theft alarm
a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Back to Basic - introduction to ESP-Basic
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Google Assistant on your Smart Phone - control your lights with your phone
Google Home and the ESP8266 - Turn on your devices with your voice
IFTTT introduction
- What is IFTTT and what can we do with it part 1
IFTTT part 2 Maker Channel - Tutorial part 2
IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT
- Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion
IFTTT part 4 - Send a notification to my phone
IFTTT test - a simple test for IFTTT triggers from your browser
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
Washing machine monitor - Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready


IOT (Internet of Things)

Alarm !! - Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier
Anti theft alarm -
a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Audacity - first in a series to make your iot projects talk

Back to Basic - introduction to ESP-Basic
Be carefull with cloud applications - what happens if the provider goes bankrupt

Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk 
Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor  

Burglars invited - Be carefull what you publisch on public sites
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)
Cheapskate - test wether your fridge light is on or off
Connecting a 12v doorbell to your ESP - Bring your doorbell to the IOT

Control Domoticz with your own APP - Build an Android app to control Domoticz
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz

Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.

Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz 

Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython 
Dweet - A volatile IOT Cloud service
Dweet again - Have your ESP8266 send data to Dweet with ESPBasic
Dweet with Raspberry - Completing the line you can dweet now from any device
Dweet with Android - Design an APP to use Dweet on your Phone
Dweet with Arduino - Dweeting using the Arduino language
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
ESP32-Cam programming board
ESP32-Cam programming board re-visited - solve slow connection 
ESP32-Cam experiment board
ESP32-Cam doorbell -
build a doorbell with Blynk and the ESP32-cam 
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP
- WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT 

ESP Controlled ledstrip - Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
ESPEasy part 1 - Installing ESPEasy 
ESPEasy part 2 - Send data from ESP to ESP 
ESPEasy part 3 - Freeboard an IOT dashboard with ESPEasy
EspEasy part 4 - Send data to Whatsapp
EspEasy part 5 - Send data to Telegram
ESP makes  Google Assistant talk part II - Make your assistant tell the temperature
ESP sending data to Domoticz - Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP to ESP communication - direct communication between multiple ESP's
ESP voice control with ESP Basic - Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage 
Domoticz send data to ESP - Command your ESP from your home automation 
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone  
Freeboard revisited 1Use Freeboard to present your data graphically
Freeboard revisited 2 - Run your own freeboard on a free webhost
Freeboard revisited 3
Build a freeboard console in Javascript
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Geofencing - Perform actions in Domoticz automatically depending on your presence
Getting the right time with MicroPython - Make sure your IOT projects have the right time
Google Home and the ESP8266 - Turn on your devices with your voice
IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT
- Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion

IFTTT part 4
- Send a notification to my phone
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
IoTtweet part 1 - This service no longer exists
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips - My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript
Magic wand - Use a tilt sensor to control your lamps
MPU6050 data in degrees in stead of gibberish
Pico with SD card - Connect an SD card for data storage
Ping Ping Anybody home ??? - test your presence by pinging the phone  
Rain Sensor - Get an alert on a webpage when it rains
Relay Server  - Control your lights over the internet AND manual
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I - Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage

RGB-strip control over wifi part II - Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Sending an alert to Telegram - Let your sensors warn you 

Sending data from ESP8266 to Android - Using ESP Basic 
Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz - Use an ESP8266 to control your home through Domoticz

Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz Part II - Send thermometer values to Domoticz

ESP sending data to Domoticz part 3 - Build a webpage to control Domoticz
Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266

Solving the CORS error in MicroPython - make sure you will receive data

Tea Timer - A wifi controlled tea timer
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger

Telegram for IOT - request sensor data with Telegram
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Thingspeak - A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Washing machine monitor - Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
Web Controlled MP3 player - with software for ESP8266 and ESP32
Webserver part 1 text fields - sending text from a webpage to ESP8266 or ESP32
Webserver part 2 buttons - have your esp react on buttons on a webpage  

Webserver part 3 - Button with status save and led indicator
Webserver part 4 - Sliders 
Webserver part 5 - Neopixel control with sliders 
Webserver part 6 - Gauges on your ESP's webpage 
Wifi Thermometer - Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
Wifi Relay - Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App
Wifi Voice Commander - control leds and relays with your voice 



Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Javascript reaction game -
Build a simple reaction game with Javascript
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) -
My book with more than 500 Javascript tips

Javascript tips
- My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript

Freeboard revisited 3 - Build a freeboard console in Javascript

Gauges and Linecharts -
A webpage with visual display of data in Javascript
- Try Javascript programs in your browser
Web services that turn a website into an app - Not only a site but plain Javascript too
Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266
Solving the CORS error in MicroPython - make sure you will receive data
Turn a webpage into an APP - Make a dedicated App from HTML and Javascript 


Choosing colors for a webpage - Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels  
Cutting up the ledstrip - How to cut a 5 meter ledstrip in smaller parts
ESP Controlled ledstrip - Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
Ledstrip Controlling part 1 - How to power and control a RGB ledstrip
Ledstrip Controlling part 2 - How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over Bluetooth

RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I - Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
RGB-strip control over wifi part II - Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Voice Command - Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands


ESP Controlled ledstrip - Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
Getting the right time - Use Lua to get the right time for your ESP
Lua and Neopixels - an easy way to control Neopixels from the Lua language
Neopixels intro
Rain Sensor - Get an alert on a webpage when it rains
Relay Server  - Control your lights over the internet AND manual

Unlimited outputs - Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
Wandbox - Try Lua programs in your browser


Micro:bit introduction - here comes the BBC MCU for education

Unlimited outputs for your Micro:bit - use WS2811 as output

Neopixels / WS2812

Back to Basic - introduction to ESP-Basic

Choosing colors for a webpage - Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels  
Lua and Neopixels - an easy way to control Neopixels from the Lua language
Neopixels intro

RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I - Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage 
Simon - The popular game written in Arduino IDE 
Simon - Stripboard and casing for the popular game 
Unlimited outputs - now with Arduino C++ language  for Arduino ESP and Attiny85  
NUW - The clock that displays time in resistor color codes

Power Supply

9 Volts power plug - Make your own 9Volts power plug for an AC-adapter
Battery powering the ESP8266

Beware of powerbanks with an ESP - Powerbanks do not always work with an ESP
Brown out problem solved - Solve this ESP32 power problem   
Check your 5 volt power supply  - Check! Check! Check! before your project fries
ESP power reduction with Deepsleep - Use less power in your projects  
LM 317 - How to make any voltage you need
Powering your project - Using a double USB poweroutlet
Power reduction - use Deepsleep to power projects with batteries 
Scavenging on the flea market - get your power supplies for next to nothing
Watch your cables - cables can give power problems


Learn Python - Book revieuw: Sams Teach yourself Python in 24 hour
Visible feedback for the Raspberry Home Assistant - Attach a led that shows activity
Wandbox - Try Python programs in your browser

Raspberry Pi

Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server 
Creating a file with no extension - How to create SSH file on your PC  

Dweet with Raspberry - Completing the line you can dweet now from any device
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Internet Radio - Using the humble Pi-Zero as an internet radio
Internet Radio part 2 - Add more radio stations 
Internet Radio part 3 - A complete stand alone radio
Learn Python - Book revieuw: Sams Teach yourself Python in 24 hour
Make your own IP cam with a Raspberry - look at your mancave from anywhere in the world

On / Off Switch - At last a safe on-off switch for your Raspberry
Raspberry Camera - A first look at the Raspberry camera module 
Raspberry Photocamera 2 - Use the camera headless and with buttons 
Raspberry time laps camera 
Raspberry movement detection camera
Raspberry Cookbook - The bible for the Raspberry
Speeding up Domoticz - remove all unnecesary entries
The Pi5 has arrived

UDP Communication  Part 3 - communication between Raspberry and ESP8266  
Visible feedback for the Raspberry Home Assistant - Attach a led that shows activity
Watch your cables - cables can give power problems 


Raspberry Pico  

A few Tips for working with Thonny
An easy gesture controller
Audacity - first in a series to make your iot projects talk
Audio on the Pico part 2 - the hardware
Audio on the Pico part 3 -  Play a testsound
Audio on the Pico part 4 - Build a talking thermometer !!
Audio on the Pico part 5 - Build a taling clock !!
Audio on the Pico part 6 - Build a talking dice with audio on the SD card
Audio on the Pico part 7 - Build a complete audio player with an SD card, buttons and a display

Buttons with images on your webpage - HTML buttons in Micropython
ChatGPT Try it !! -
You can let ChatGPT write programs for you 
Cheat on your pedometer -
a frame with a servo to simulate steps
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.

Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz 
Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython 

Freeboard revisited 2
- Run your own freeboard on a free webhost
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI 

Freeboard revisited 5
- enhance Freeboard with plugins
Getting the right time with MicroPython - Make sure your IOT projects have the right time

Import libraries in Wokwi - Use components that are not yet supported
Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother - ESP32 and Pico
Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother over Uart - ESP32 and Pico
Overclocking the Pico2 - Set the clockspeed (in MicroPython) to 300Mhz!!
Overclocking the Pico2 in the Arduino IDE
Pico with SD card - Connect an SD card for data storage
Pico with SD card part 2 - How to use the SD card in MicroPython
Pico with SD card part 3 - Make graphs from your data
Pico W in Cirkit - Custom design of Pico W for Cirkit designer
Raspberry Pico a First look - An introduction to Raspberry's first Microcontroller
Raspberry Pico 2 a first look - the new Pico has more memory, storage and speed
Raspberry Pi Pico2 with Arduino IDE - Use the Arduino IDE with Linux
Raspberry Pi Pico 2W with Arduino IDE
Raspberry Pi Pico 2W with MicroPython !!!

Raspberry Pico W a First look - The Pico now includes Wifi !!
Raspberry Pico reset button - something the Pico lacks
Showerclock - time your bathing time with a pico and micropython
Simulate your projects with WOKWI - a simulator for many controllers and languages
Solving the CORS error in MicroPython - make sure you will receive data
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal 




Burglars invited - Be carefull what you publisch on public sites

Thingspeak - A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Washing machine monitor - Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready 




Audacity - first in a series to make your iot projects talk
Back to school - Educate yourself with free courses from edX
Be carefull with cloud applications - what happens if the provider goes bankrupt

Beer and Pizza night - A great evening at Reprap World the 3D printer shop
ChatGPT Try it !! - You can let ChatGPT write programs for you

Check your 5 volt power supply  - Check! Check! Check! before your project fries
Convenient working with Telegram - Use Telegram on your PC
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Create a new component in Cirkit 

Creating a file with no extension - How to create a file with no extension on your PC 
Custom switches - Make a mold for your custom switches with Oogoo 
Copying Fritzing projects the easy way
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT

ESP32 uitgelegd nu verkrijgbaar - Mijn boek over de ESP32 is nu te koop
Examine before throwing away - you never know what you might find

Fritzing - Merge multiple designs into one 
Fritzing - using non library parts 
Gauges and Linecharts -
A webpage with visual display of data in Javascript
Geofencing - Perform actions in Domoticz automatically depending on your presence

Holliday 2022 with some minor privacy issues 

IFTTT test - a simple test for IFTTT triggers from your browser
Image recognition for free - Build your own AI app 
Installing prohibited apps - Install them anyway
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips

Javascript tips
- My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript

File transfer with Telegram - send files easily from your phone to your PC

Migrating Cirkit from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu)
MP3 Player - build a stand alone MP3 player
Octoprint notifications to TelegramTelegram notifies when your print is ready

I worked a full year with Linux only  

Oogoo and Obleck - Non newtonian matter is fun to play with

Piezo becomes buzzer - make a housing for your piezo sensor.
Person Counter - a manual counter for counting shop customers
Person counter - Track the maximum number of people  

The Great Dictator 1 - Use your voice to dictate stories in your browser

Toiletroll stock calculator - an app and a javascript program
Urban farming and Technology - A lecture I gave in 2017
Wandbox - Try many different programming languages in your browser
Web services that turn a website into an app - Not only a site but plain Javascript too
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal