3D Designs
Anchor hook - Design your own clothing hook
Anti theft alarm
- a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Bubble level
- make your own bubble level
Build a shackleguard - a marine thing
Build your own button caps - Remixing in Tinkercad
Candle Maker
- A mold to make candles from milk cartons
Cardboard suspensions - A system to hang a cardboard display on the wall
Card display aid
- A small printed object that adjusts my girlfriends card display
Charlieplexing 4
- Larson scanner
Cheat on your pedometer - a frame with a servo to simulate steps
Corners with magnets for working with cardboard
Creality CR20 Pro arrived
- My first impressions of my new 3D printer
Custom switches
- Make a mold for your custom switches
Cutting up designs in Tinkercad
- Cut up your designs to fit them on the printerbed
Embossing print in Bookbinding
- an easy way to make an embossed book cover
ESP8266 Computer
- Make your ESP8266 look as a retro computer or a small box
Fence caps
Fence caps revisited - almost 10 year later !!
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Frame for Paintings
Happy 2017
- A 3D printed holliday card
Hearts as holders for tealights
Hook for paintings - A hook for miniature paintings
Hook for shelves
Just move your hand to move the mousepointer
Magic wand
- Use a tilt sensor to control your lamps
Making molds from your 3D prints
Octoprint notifications to Telegram - Telegram notifies when your print is ready
Person counter part 2 - Track the maximum number of people
Piezo becomes buzzer
- make a housing for your piezo sensor.
Rain Sensor -
Get an alert on a webpage when it rains
Spacers also to be used as a piggybank
- Stripboard and casing for the popular game
SVG to STL - Convert SVG files to STL for printing
Wifi Thermometer
- Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
Watch your print orientation - You may save some time
Waterproofing your prints - Test if 3D prints are waterproof
Android emulator - LDPlayer an android emulator for testing projects
Android customer counter - Build an app that tracks the number of customers
Anti theft alarm
- a vibration alarm with an Android notification
App Inventor
Arduino to Android
- Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II
- Use your phone as a display for projects
Back to school
- Educate yourself with free courses from edX
Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk
Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)
Control Domoticz with your own APP - Build an Android app to control Domoticz
Dweet with Android
- Design an APP to use Dweet on your Phone
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
ESP voice control with ESP Basic
- Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Google Assistant on your Smart Phone
- control your lights with your phone
Image recognition for free
- Build your own AI app
IFTTT introduction
- What is IFTTT and what can we do with it part 1
IFTTT part 4
- Send a notification to my phone
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
Installing prohibited apps
- Install them anyway
File transfer with Telegram - send files easily from your phone to your PC
Ledstrip Controlling part 2
- How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over
Just move your hand to move the mousepointer
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Octoprint notifications to Telegram - Telegram notifies when your print is ready
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.
Relay commander
- Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth
Sending data from ESP8266 to Android
- Using ESP Basic
Simple countdown timer - a simple timer made in App Inventor
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger
Telegram for IOT - request sensor data with Telegram
The Great Dictator part 2
- Use your voice to dictate notes on your phone
Turn a webpage into an APP - Make a dedicated App from HTML and Javascript
UDP Communication Part 4
- communication between Android and ESP8288
Voice Command
- Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Web services that turn a website into an app - Not only a site but plain Javascript too
Wifi Relay
- Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App
Wifi Voice Commander
- control leds and relays with your voice
Winemaker App
- An Android App for winemakers
Working in the Cloud
App Inventor
Android customer counter - Build an app that tracks the number of customers
App Inventor
App of the month
- A bit of bragging
Arduino to Android
- Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II
- Use your phone as a display for projects
Back to school
- Educate yourself with free courses from edX
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)
Control Domoticz with your own APP - Build an Android app to control
Dweet with Android
- Design an APP to use Dweet on your Phone
ESP voice control with ESP Basic
- Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
Image recognition for free
- Build your own AI app
Ledstrip Controlling part 2
- How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over
Relay commander
- Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth
Sending data from ESP8266 to Android
- Using ESP Basic
Simple countdown timer - a simple timer made in App Inventor
UDP Communication Part 4
- communication between Android and ESP8288
Voice Command
- Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Wifi Relay
- Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App
Wifi Voice Commander
- control leds and relays with your voice
Winemaker App
- An Android App for winemakers
433 Mhz Transmitter and Receiver
Alarm !! - Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier
Analog pull-down resistor
- Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller
An easy gesture controller part 2 - use the gesture controller as a mouse
An easy gesture controller part 3 - control a maze game
Arduino Cookbook
Arduino IDE 2.0 - The new Arduino IDE
Arduino Nano driver
Arduino to Android
- Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II
Use your phone as a display for projects
Bluetooth module
- first look at the HC06
Charlieplexing 1
- A method for attaching more leds you your outputs
Charlieplexing 2
- refining the software
Charlieplexing 3
- an easy way for wiring the leds
Charlieplexing 4
- Larson scanner
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Cutting up the ledstrip
How to cut a 5 meter ledstrip in smaller parts
Flex and pressure sensor
- Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Interrupts syntax changed
Hand washing aid
- wash your hands safely in the corona crisis
Ledstrip Controlling part 1
- How to power and control a RGB ledstrip
Ledstrip Controlling part 2
- How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over
Just move your hand to move the mousepointer
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.
Motion Detection with Radar
- An alternative for a PIR
Neopixels intro
- The clock that displays time in resistor color codes
Overclocking the Pico2 in the Arduino IDE
Permanent storage using EEPROM
Person Counter - a manual counter for counting shop customers
Powering your project
- Using a double USB poweroutlet
Piezo becomes buzzer
make a housing for your piezo sensor.
Relay commander
- Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth
The popular game written in Arduino IDE
Stripboard and casing for the popular game
Simulate your projects with WOKWI - a simulator for many controllers and languages
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Ticker library problem - Ticker does not work with wifi
Unlimited outputs
- Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
Unlimited outputs
- now with Arduino C++ language for Arduino ESP and
Vibration detection
- ESP-Basic program to detect vibration easily adaptable
Voice Command
- Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal
Analog pull-down resistor
- Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller
Arduino to Android
- Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II
- Use your phone as a display for projects
Charlieplexing 1
- A method for attaching more leds you your outputs
Charlieplexing 2
- refining the software
Charlieplexing 3
- an easy way for wiring the leds
Charlieplexing 4
- Larson scanner
Compiler Bug
- how to solve the bug in the Attiny85 compiler
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Ledstrip Controlling part 2
- How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.
Neopixels intro
- The clock that displays time in resistor color codes
Permanent storage using EEPROM
Powering your project
- Using a double USB poweroutlet
Relay commander
- Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth
The popular game written in Arduino IDE
Stripboard annd casing for the popular game
Simulate your projects with WOKWI - a simulator for many controllers and languages
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Unlimited outputs
- now with Arduino C++ language for Arduino ESP and
Voice Command
- Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal
ESPBasic Language
Anti theft alarm
a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Back to Basic
- introduction to ESP-Basic
- test wether your fridge light is on or off
Choosing colors for a webpage
- Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
- A volatile IOT Cloud service
Dweet again
- Have your ESP8266 send data to Dweet with ESPBasic
ESP voice control with ESP Basic
- Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP power reduction with Deepsleep
- Use less power in your projects
ESP sending data to Domoticz
- Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP to ESP communication
- direct communication between multiple ESP's
Flex and pressure sensor
- Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Freeboard revisited 1 - Use Freeboard to present your data graphically
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Google Home and the ESP8266
- Turn on your devices with your voice
IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT
- Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion
IoTtweet part 1
- This service no longer exists
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.
More IO pins for your ESP-01
- 2 extra IO ports for the ESP01
Motion Detection with Radar
- An alternative for a PIR
Ping Ping Anybody home ???
- test your presence by pinging the phone
Remote controlled Car
- Build a remote controlled car with an ESP8266
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I
- Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
RGB-strip control over wifi part II
- Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Sending data from ESP8266 to Android
- Using ESP Basic
Tea Timer
- A wifi controlled tea timer
Unlimited outputs
- Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
UDP Communication Part 1
- communication between 2 ESP8266's
UDP Communication Part 2
- communication between multiple ESP8266's
UDP Communication Part 3
- communication between Raspberry and ESP8266
UDP Communication Part 4
- communication between Android and ESP8288
Vibration detection
- ESP-Basic program to detect vibration easily adaptable
Washing machine monitor
- Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
Wifi Thermometer
- Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
- A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Arduino to Android
- Use your phone as a display for your projects
Arduino to Android part II
- Use your phone as a display for projects
Bluetooth module
- first look at the HC06
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
Ledstrip Controlling part 2
- How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over
Relay commander
- Use your phone to control a relay over Bluetooth
Voice Command
- Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
Dallas DS18B20 Temperature sensor
Back to Basic
- introduction to ESP-Basic
ESP sending data to Domoticz
- Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage
Pico audio 4 - Build a talking thermometer
- A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Wifi Thermometer
- Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
9 Volts power plug
- Make your own 9Volts power plug for an AC-adapter
Analog pull-down resistor
- Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller
An easy gesture controller part 2 - use the gesture controller as a mouse
Breadboard hack for ESP8266 and ESP32
- make your breadboard fit
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Create a new component in Cirkit
Custom switches
- Make a mold for your custom switches with Oogoo
Cutting up the ledstrip
- How to cut a 5 meter ledstrip in smaller parts
DIY Breadboard cables - Make your own cables from paperclips
Examine before throwing away - you never know what you might find
Flex and pressure sensor
- Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Infinity Mirror
Infinity Mirror Part 2
Ledstrip Controlling part 1
- How to power and control a RGB ledstrip
LM 317
- How to make any voltage you need
Migrating Cirkit from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu)
MP3 Player
- build a stand alone MP3 player
Painting packaging
- An alternative way for packaging
Piezo becomes buzzer
- make a housing for your piezo sensor.
PIR Basics
- Movement detection with a PIR
Polarity tester
- A simple circuit to test your power supply
Powering your project
- Using a double USB poweroutlet
Scavenging leds from Christmas decorations
- how to get leds for an ulktra low price
Scavenging on the flea market
- get your power supplies for next to nothing
Tactile switches
- An easy way to connect tactile switches
USB Power meter
- cheap meter that shows your power use
Vibration detection
detect vibration easily
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal
Watch your cables
- cables can give power problems
Wire tester
- Use the polarity tester to check for short circuits
ESP8266 / NodeMCU
Alarm !! - Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier
Analog pull-down resistor
- Why you should use it
An easy gesture controller
Anti theft alarm
a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Arduino IDE 2.0 - The new Arduino IDE
Back to Basic
introduction to ESP-Basic
Battery powering the ESP8266
Beware of powerbanks with an ESP
- Powerbanks do not always work with an ESP
Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk
Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Breadboard hack for ESP8266 and ESP32
- make your breadboard fit
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)
test wether your fridge light is on or off
Choosing colors for a webpage
- Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Connecting a 12v doorbell to your ESP - Bring your doorbell to the IOT
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Domoticz send data to ESP - Command your ESP from your home automation
Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.
Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython
- A volatile IOT Cloud service
Dweet again
- Have your ESP8266 send data to Dweet with ESPBasic
Dweet with Arduino
- Dweeting using the Arduino language
ESP8266 Computer
- Make your ESP8266 look as a retro computer or a small box
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT
ESP Controlled ledstrip
- Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
ESPEasy part 1 - Installing ESPEasy
ESPEasy part 2 - Send data from ESP to ESP
ESPEasy part 3 - Freeboard an IOT dashboard with ESPEasy
EspEasy part 4 - Send data to Whatsapp
EspEasy part 5 - Send data to Telegram
ESP power reduction with Deepsleep
- Use less power in your projects
ESP8266 Programming board
An easy way to program the ESP01
ESP8266-01 Programming board (new)
- a commercial programming board for ESP-01
ESP sending data to Domoticz
- Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP to ESP communication
- direct communication between multiple ESP's
ESP voice control with ESP Basic
- Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Flashing the ESP8266
- get your board ready to program
Flex and pressure sensor
- Using velostat to measure pressure or as a flex sensor
Freeboard revisited 1 - Use Freeboard to present your data graphically
Freeboard revisited 2 - Run your own freeboard on a free webhost
Freeboard revisited 3 - Build a freeboard console in Javascript
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Geofencing - Perform actions in Domoticz automatically depending on your presence
Getting the right time
- using LUA code
Google Home and the ESP8266
- Turn on your devices with your voice
Google Assistant on your Smart Phone
- control your lights with your phone
Hand washing aid
- wash your hands safely in the corona crisis
HTTPClient library update - an update for many of my esp8266 projects
IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT
- Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
Interrupts syntax changed
IoTtweet part 1
- This service no longer exists
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips - My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript
Magic wand
- Use a tilt sensor to control your lamps
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.
More IO pins for your ESP-01 - 2 extra IO ports for the ESP01
Motion Detection with Radar
- An alternative for a PIR
MPU6050 data in degrees in stead of gibberish
Neopixels intro
NodeMCU breadboard aid
- a small stripboard to help breadboarding the NodeMCU
Ping Ping Anybody home ???
- test your presence by pinging the phone
Permanent storage using EEPROM
Person Counter - a manual counter for counting shop customers
Person counter part 2 - Track the maximum number of people
Powering your project
Using a double USB poweroutlet
Power reduction
- use Deepsleep to power projects with batteries
Rain Sensor - Get an alert on a webpage when it rains
Relay Server - Control your lights over the internet AND manual
Remote controlled Car
- Build a remote controlled car with an ESP8266
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I
- Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
RGB-strip control over wifi part II
- Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Sending data from ESP8266 to Android
- Using ESP Basic
Sending an alert to Telegram - Let your sensors warn you
Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz
- Use an ESP8266 to control your home through Domoticz
Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz Part II - Send thermometer values to Domoticz
ESP sending data to Domoticz part 3 - Build a webpage to control Domoticz
Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266
The popular game written in the Arduino IDE
Stripboard and casing for the popular game
Steady hand game
amuse yourself during the Corona crisis
Tea Timer
- A wifi controlled tea timer
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger
Telegram for IOT - request sensor data with Telegram
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Ticker library problem - Ticker does not work with wifi
Time is of the essence - Getting the right time from an NTP server for ESP8266 and ESP32
- A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Universal code for ESP8266 and ESP32
Unlimited outputs
- Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
Unlimited outputs
- now with Arduino C++ language for Arduino ESP and
UDP Communication Part 1
- communication between 2 ESP8266's
UDP Communication Part 2
- communication between multiple ESP8266's
UDP Communication Part 3
- communication between Raspberry and ESP8266
UDP Communication Part 4
- communication between Android and ESP8288
Vibration detection
- ESP-Basic program to detect vibration easily adaptable
Washing machine monitor
- Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal
Web Controlled MP3 player - with software for ESP8266 and ESP32
Webserver part 1 text fields - sending text from a webpage to ESP8266 or ESP32
Webserver part 2 buttons - have your esp react on buttons on a webpage
Webserver part 3 - Button with status save and led indicator
Webserver part 4 - Sliders
Webserver part 5 - Neopixel control with sliders
Webserver part 6 - Gauges on your ESP's webpage
Wifi Thermometer
- Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
Wifi Relay
- Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App
Wifi Voice Commander
- control leds and relays with your voice
Alarm !! - Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier
An easy gesture controller
Arduino IDE 2.0 - The new Arduino IDE
Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk
Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Connecting a 12v doorbell to your ESP - Bring your doorbell to the IOT
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.
Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT
ESP32 Analog-read problem - Not all analog pins co-operate with Wifi
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
ESP 32 Simplified
- My book on the ESP32 worldwide available
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage
Breadboard hack for ESP8266 and ESP32
- make your breadboard fit
Brown out problem solved
- Solve this power problem
Choosing colors for a webpage
- Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
Domoticz send data to ESP - Command your ESP from your home automation
ESP32 uitgelegd nu verkrijgbaar
- Mijn boek over de ESP32 is nu te koop
ESP32-Cam programming board
ESP32-Cam programming board re-visited - solve slow connection
ESP32-Cam experiment board
ESP32-Cam doorbell - build a doorbell with Blynk and the ESP32-cam
ESP32-Cam with Octoprint - Use the ESP32 as a cheap cam for Octoprint
ESPEasy part 1 - Installing ESPEasy
ESPEasy part 2 - Send data from ESP to ESP
ESPEasy part 3 - Freeboard an IOT dashboard with ESPEasy
EspEasy part 4 - Send data to Whatsapp
EspEasy part 5 - Send data to Telegram
Freeboard revisited 1 - Use Freeboard to present your data graphically
Freeboard revisited 2 - Run your own freeboard on a free webhost
Freeboard revisited 3 - Build a freeboard console in Javascript
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Installing the ESP32
- Installing the ESP32 in the Arduino IDE
Interrupts syntax changed
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips - My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript
Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother - ESP32 and Pico
Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother over Uart - ESP32 and Pico
More buttons, fewer pins - use binary hardware coding for reducing the IO ports
Visible feedback for the more buttons - use leds in stead of diodes.
Make your Google Assistant talk !!
MPU6050 data in degrees in stead of gibberish
ESP makes Google Assistant talk part II
- Make your Assistant tell the temperature
Permanent storage using EEPROM
Piezo becomes buzzer
make a housing for your piezo sensor.
Sending an alert to Telegram - Let your sensors warn you
Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266
Simulate your projects with WOKWI - a simulator for many controllers and languages
Talkie part 1 - make your ESP32 speak out with speech synthesises
Talkie part 2 - A talking clock
Talking thermometer - Talkie part 3
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger
Telegram for IOT - request sensor data with Telegram
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Time is of the essence - Getting the right time from an NTP server for ESP8266 and ESP32 Universal code for ESP8266 and ESP32
Unlimited outputs
- now with Arduino C++ language for Arduino ESP and
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal
Web Controlled MP3 player - with software for ESP8266 and ESP32
Webserver part 1 text fields - sending text from a webpage to ESP8266 or ESP32
Webserver part 2 buttons - have your esp react on buttons on a webpage
Webserver part 3 - Button with status save and led indicator
Webserver part 4 - Sliders
Webserver part 5 - Neopixel control with sliders
Webserver part 6 - Gauges on your ESP's webpage
Google Home Assistant
Google Assistant on your Smart Phone
- control your lights with your phone
Google Home and the ESP8266
- Turn on your devices with your voice
Make your Google Assistant talk !!
ESP makes Google Assistant talk part II
Make your Assistant tell the temperature
Visible feedback for the Raspberry Home Assistant
- Attach a led that shows activity
IFTTT (If this then that)
IFTT Sets their users in the dark if they do not pay !!
Anti theft alarm
a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Back to Basic
- introduction to ESP-Basic
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Google Assistant on your Smart Phone
- control your lights with your phone
Google Home and the ESP8266
- Turn on your devices with your voice
IFTTT introduction
- What is IFTTT and what can we do with it part 1
IFTTT part 2 Maker Channel
- Tutorial part 2
IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT
- Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion
IFTTT part 4
- Send a notification to my phone
IFTTT test
- a simple test for IFTTT triggers from your browser
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
Washing machine monitor
- Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
IOT (Internet of Things)
Alarm !! - Using the Timealarm library to make timing problems easier
Anti theft alarm
a vibration alarm with an Android notification
Audacity - first in a series to make your iot projects talk
Back to Basic
- introduction to ESP-Basic
Be carefull with cloud applications - what happens if the provider goes bankrupt
Blynk part 1 - Getting started with Blynk
Blynk part 2 - Sending data to Blynk
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Blynk part 4 - Using Blynk with multiple ESP's and have them interact
Blynk a sad story - Blynk removed the local server from Github but we have a solution
Blynk part 5 - Sending notifications to your Android phone
Build a rain and water sensor - Build a rain/water level sensor with a transistor
Burglars invited
- Be carefull what you publisch on public sites
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 6 (App inventor app)
- test wether your fridge light is on or off
Connecting a 12v doorbell to your ESP - Bring your doorbell to the IOT
Control Domoticz with your own APP - Build an Android app to control Domoticz
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.
Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython
- A volatile IOT Cloud service
Dweet again
- Have your ESP8266 send data to Dweet with ESPBasic
Dweet with Raspberry
- Completing the line you can dweet now from any device
Dweet with Android
- Design an APP to use Dweet on your Phone
Dweet with Arduino
- Dweeting using the Arduino language
ESP32 Bluetooth classic part 1 - Communicate with an app
ESP32 Bluetooth Classic part 2 - Send data from the ESP32 to your phone
ESP32-Cam programming board
ESP32-Cam programming board re-visited - solve slow connection
ESP32-Cam experiment board
ESP32-Cam doorbell - build a doorbell with Blynk and the ESP32-cam
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT
ESP Controlled ledstrip
- Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
ESPEasy part 1 - Installing ESPEasy
ESPEasy part 2 - Send data from ESP to ESP
ESPEasy part 3 - Freeboard an IOT dashboard with ESPEasy
EspEasy part 4 - Send data to Whatsapp
EspEasy part 5 - Send data to Telegram
ESP makes Google Assistant talk part II
- Make your assistant tell the temperature
ESP sending data to Domoticz
- Send your sensor data to your home automation system
ESP to ESP communication
- direct communication between multiple ESP's
ESP voice control with ESP Basic
- Part 2 with an Universal voice control app
ESP webpage with linechart - Put your temperature data in a graph on your webpage
Domoticz send data to ESP - Command your ESP from your home automation
Filament sensor with alarm on your phone
Freeboard revisited 1 - Use Freeboard to present your data graphically
Freeboard revisited 2 - Run your own freeboard on a free webhost
Freeboard revisited 3 - Build a freeboard console in Javascript
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Geofencing - Perform actions in Domoticz automatically depending on your presence
Getting the right time with MicroPython - Make sure your IOT projects have the right time
Google Home and the ESP8266
- Turn on your devices with your voice
IFTTT part 3 Alert over IFTTT
- Tweet an alarm when your PIR has noticed motion
IFTTT part 4
- Send a notification to my phone
IFTTT alarm from ESP8266 using Arduino language
IoTtweet part 1
- This service no longer exists
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips - My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript
Magic wand
- Use a tilt sensor to control your lamps
MPU6050 data in degrees in stead of gibberish
Pico with SD card - Connect an SD card for data storage
Ping Ping Anybody home ???
- test your presence by pinging the phone
Rain Sensor - Get an alert on a webpage when it rains
Relay Server - Control your lights over the internet AND manual
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I
- Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
RGB-strip control over wifi part II
- Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Sending an alert to Telegram - Let your sensors warn you
Sending data from ESP8266 to Android
- Using ESP Basic
Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz
- Use an ESP8266 to control your home through Domoticz
Sending data from ESP8266 to Domoticz Part II - Send thermometer values to Domoticz
ESP sending data to Domoticz part 3 - Build a webpage to control Domoticz
Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266
Solving the CORS error in MicroPython - make sure you will receive data
Tea Timer
- A wifi controlled tea timer
Telegram messenger for IOT - Control your esp's from Telegram messenger
Telegram for IOT - request sensor data with Telegram
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
- A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Washing machine monitor
- Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
Web Controlled MP3 player - with software for ESP8266 and ESP32
Webserver part 1 text fields - sending text from a webpage to ESP8266 or ESP32
Webserver part 2 buttons - have your esp react on buttons on a webpage
Webserver part 3 - Button with status save and led indicator
Webserver part 4 - Sliders
Webserver part 5 - Neopixel control with sliders
Webserver part 6 - Gauges on your ESP's webpage
Wifi Thermometer
- Oh no not another ESP8266 thermometer
Wifi Relay
- Control some leds or relay with a dedicated App
Wifi Voice Commander
- control leds and relays with your voice
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 1 (hardware)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 2 (MicroPython software)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 3 (Android program in Javascript)
Caravan/motor-home leveler part 5 (build a dedicated app)
Control multiple ESP webservers using a webpage with Javascript
Javascript reaction game - Build a simple reaction game with Javascript
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips - My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript
Freeboard revisited 3 - Build a freeboard console in Javascript
Gauges and Linecharts - A webpage with visual display of data in Javascript
Wandbox - Try Javascript programs in your browser
Web services that turn a website into an app - Not only a site but plain Javascript too
Sending data to and retrieving data from a webpage with ESP8266
Solving the CORS error in MicroPython - make sure you will receive data
Turn a webpage into an APP - Make a dedicated App from HTML and Javascript
Choosing colors for a webpage
Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
Cutting up the ledstrip
How to cut a 5 meter ledstrip in smaller parts
ESP Controlled ledstrip
- Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
Ledstrip Controlling part 1
- How to power and control a RGB ledstrip
Ledstrip Controlling part 2
- How to control a ledstrip with your Android Phone and an Attiny85 over
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I
- Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
RGB-strip control over wifi part II
- Control an RGB strip with sliders on a webpage
Voice Command
- Control a ledstrip or lamps etc by giving voice commands
ESP Controlled ledstrip
- Control a single color ledstrip from a webpage
Getting the right time - Use Lua to get the right time for your ESP
Lua and Neopixels
- an easy way to control Neopixels from the Lua language
Neopixels intro
Rain Sensor - Get an alert on a webpage when it rains
Relay Server -
Control your lights over the internet AND manual
Unlimited outputs
- Unlimited output ports for your microcontroller
Wandbox - Try Lua programs in your browser
Micro:bit introduction
- here comes the BBC MCU for education
Unlimited outputs for your Micro:bit
- use WS2811 as output
Neopixels / WS2812
Back to Basic
- introduction to ESP-Basic
Choosing colors for a webpage
- Easy color chooser for web and Neopixels
Lua and Neopixels
- an easy way to control Neopixels from the Lua language
Neopixels intro
RGB-Strip control over Wifi part I
- Control neopixels with sliders on a webpage
The popular game written in Arduino IDE
Stripboard and casing for the popular game
Unlimited outputs
now with Arduino C++ language for Arduino ESP and
- The clock that displays time in resistor color codes
Power Supply
9 Volts power plug
Make your own 9Volts power plug for an AC-adapter
Battery powering the ESP8266
Beware of powerbanks with an ESP
- Powerbanks do not always work with an ESP
Brown out problem solved
- Solve this ESP32 power problem
Check your 5 volt power supply - Check! Check! Check! before your project fries
ESP power reduction with Deepsleep
- Use less power in your projects
LM 317
- How to make any voltage you need
Powering your project
Using a double USB poweroutlet
Power reduction
- use Deepsleep to power projects with batteries
Scavenging on the flea market
- get your power supplies for next to nothing
Watch your cables
- cables can give power problems
Learn Python
- Book revieuw: Sams Teach yourself Python in 24 hour
Visible feedback for the Raspberry Home Assistant
- Attach a led that shows activity
Wandbox - Try Python programs in your browser
Raspberry Pi
Blynk part 3 - build your own Blynk server
Creating a file with no extension - How to create SSH file on your PC
Dweet with Raspberry
- Completing the line you can dweet now from any device
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Internet Radio
Using the humble Pi-Zero as an internet radio
Internet Radio part 2
- Add more radio stations
Internet Radio part 3
A complete stand alone radio
Learn Python
- Book revieuw: Sams Teach yourself Python in 24 hour
Make your
own IP cam with a Raspberry
- look at your mancave from anywhere in the world
On / Off Switch
- At last a safe on-off switch for your Raspberry
Raspberry Camera
- A first look at the Raspberry camera module
Raspberry Photocamera 2
- Use the camera headless and with buttons
Raspberry time laps camera
Raspberry movement detection camera
Raspberry Cookbook
- The bible for the Raspberry
Speeding up Domoticz - remove all unnecesary entries
The Pi5 has arrived
UDP Communication Part 3
- communication between Raspberry and ESP8266
Visible feedback for the Raspberry Home Assistant
- Attach a led that shows activity
Watch your cables
- cables can give power problems
Raspberry Pico
A few Tips for working with Thonny
An easy gesture controller
Audacity - first in a series to make your iot projects talk
Audio on the Pico part 2 - the hardware
Audio on the Pico part 3 - Play a testsound
Audio on the Pico part 4 - Build a talking thermometer !!
Audio on the Pico part 5 - Build a taling clock !!
Audio on the Pico part 6 - Build a talking dice with audio on the SD card
Audio on the Pico part 7 - Build a complete audio player with an SD card, buttons and a display
Buttons with images on your webpage - HTML buttons in Micropython
ChatGPT Try it !! - You can let ChatGPT write programs for you
Cheat on your pedometer - a frame with a servo to simulate steps
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Domoticz with MicroPython part 1 - Send a switch status from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 2 - Use Domoticz to switch on lamps, fans, motors etc.
Domoticz with MicroPyton part 3 - Send values from MicroPython to Domoticz
Domoticz with MicroPython part 4 - Send values from Domoticz to Micropython
Freeboard revisited 2 - Run your own freeboard on a free webhost
Freeboard revisited 4 - Run your own Freeboard on a Raspberry PI
Freeboard revisited 5 - enhance Freeboard with plugins
Getting the right time with MicroPython - Make sure your IOT projects have the right time
Import libraries in Wokwi - Use components that are not yet supported
Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother - ESP32 and Pico
Let two microcontrollers talk to eachother over Uart - ESP32 and Pico
Overclocking the Pico2 - Set the clockspeed (in MicroPython) to 300Mhz!!
Overclocking the Pico2 in the Arduino IDE
Pico with SD card - Connect an SD card for data storage
Pico with SD card part 2 - How to use the SD card in MicroPython
Pico with SD card part 3 - Make graphs from your data
Pico W in Cirkit - Custom design of Pico W for Cirkit designer
Raspberry Pico a First look - An introduction to Raspberry's first Microcontroller
Raspberry Pico 2 a first look - the new Pico has more memory, storage and speed
Raspberry Pi Pico2 with Arduino IDE - Use the Arduino IDE with Linux
Raspberry Pi Pico 2W with Arduino IDE
Raspberry Pi Pico 2W with MicroPython !!!
Raspberry Pico W a First look - The Pico now includes Wifi !!
Raspberry Pico reset button - something the Pico lacks
Showerclock - time your bathing time with a pico and micropython
Simulate your projects with WOKWI - a simulator for many controllers and languages
Solving the CORS error in MicroPython - make sure you will receive data
Testing an obstacle avoidance sensor - some tests usefull for all controllers
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal
Burglars invited
- Be carefull what you publisch on public sites
- A cloud based IOT service. Send thermometer values to the cloud
Washing machine monitor
- Get a notice on your smart phone when the wash is ready
Audacity - first in a series to make your iot projects talk
Back to school
- Educate yourself with free courses from edX
Be carefull with cloud applications - what happens if the provider goes bankrupt
Beer and Pizza night
- A great evening at Reprap World the 3D printer shop
ChatGPT Try it !! - You can let ChatGPT write programs for you
Check your 5 volt power supply - Check! Check! Check! before your project fries
Convenient working with Telegram - Use Telegram on your PC
Copper tape - Great for building electronic devices and easily obtainable
Create a new component in Cirkit
Creating a file with no extension - How to create a file with no extension on your PC
Custom switches
- Make a mold for your custom switches with Oogoo
Copying Fritzing projects the easy way
ESP 8266 and ESP32 send messages to WhatsAPP - WhatsApp as a notification system for IOT
ESP32 uitgelegd nu verkrijgbaar
Mijn boek over de ESP32 is nu te koop
Examine before throwing away - you never know what you might find
- Merge multiple designs into one
- using non library parts
Gauges and Linecharts - A webpage with visual display of data in Javascript
Geofencing - Perform actions in Domoticz automatically depending on your presence
Holliday 2022 with some minor privacy issues
IFTTT test
a simple test for IFTTT triggers from your browser
Image recognition for free
- Build your own AI app
Installing prohibited apps
- Install them anyway
Javascript tips (Nederlandse versie) - My book with more than 500 Javascript tips
Javascript tips - My website with more then 500 tips for Javascript
File transfer with Telegram - send files easily from your phone to your PC
Migrating Cirkit from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu)
MP3 Player
- build a stand alone MP3 player
Octoprint notifications to Telegram - Telegram notifies when your print is ready
I worked a full year with Linux only
Oogoo and Obleck - Non newtonian matter is fun to play with
Piezo becomes buzzer
make a housing for your piezo sensor.
Person Counter - a manual counter for counting shop customers
Person counter - Track the maximum number of people
The Great Dictator 1
- Use your voice to dictate stories in your browser
Toiletroll stock calculator
- an app and a javascript program
Urban farming and Technology
- A lecture I gave in 2017
Wandbox - Try many different programming languages in your browser
Web services that turn a website into an app - Not only a site but plain Javascript too
Watch out with copper tape - Not all tapes are equal