Friday, March 14, 2025

Speeding up Domoticz

For an index to all my stories click this text.

As you might know from previous stories on this weblog I have Domoticz installed as my home automation system. It was only getting slower and slower.

Now my idea was that the problem might lay in the fact that I was using a Raspberry Pi 2. And as I installed the latest updates, that could indeed slow down my system. So I considered upgrading to a Pi 3 or Pi 4.
And just for your information: If you want to install Domoticz you will need at least a Pi3 as previous versions are no longer able to install Domoticz.

Clicking on the Devices Tab in the settings menu stopped the complete system for several minutes.

Then I noticed something.

Each page of the devices pages contains 100 entries (you can select that). And I had no less then 225 pages. That means that the database had 22500 entries.

And many of these entries were from years ago. As you can see the highest page numbers pointed to database entries from 2016. That is 7 year ago, at the time of this writing !!!

Why on earth would I want to keep that information. More even while the entries hold info on switches, thermometers etc from neighbours. And that that does not interest me.

So at the top of the page I clicked on the button that says Ongebruikt. The English version will mention Unused.

Next I clicked on the small V at the top. After two clicks all entries on that page were selected. Then I clicked on the waste basket next to the V and the entries from that page disappeared.

Make sure you use the Unused entries button otherwise you might remove your own settings !!!!

I removed all unused entries that way and this made Domoticz fast again !!!
So no need to switch to a more modern Raspberry Pi or even another home automation system !!!

Please be aware that Domotics keeps receiving and storing data from all kinds of switches and thermometers all the time. So a regular cleanup is advised.

Maybe it's me, but I could not find this simple speed improvement in the manual, so I did not want to keep it from you.

Till next time
have fun

Luc Volders