Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Painting packaging

As some of you will know my girlfriend is a painter. She makes oil-paintings in all kind of sizes and one of my favorite sizes are the miniatures.

She started with small paintings on cardboard of about 2 by 1,5 inch which you can find at her website by clicking here.

Now she has found an even smaller object to paint on: crown-caps

In the pictures above you can see an example of what she makes of a normal crown-cap. She uses oil-paint for durability. As you can imagine it takes a lot of work, a sharp eye and a steady hand to create one of these.

She sells them (for really moderate prices) and therefore we needed to find some kind of packaging for these miniatures.

Thats where the 3D printer comes in.

I designed a small holder to put the paintings in and printed it.

Don't look at the color. My 3D printer supplier delivered 8 spools of pink filament a for a ridiculous low price so at this time near all my designs will be in pink.

Pink is not the best color to display these and therefore she painted them black with acrylic paint which works magnificent with PLA.

Here is the end result when it is all put into a small jewellery case.

Till next time
have fun

Luc Volders