Friday, March 5, 2021

Raspberry Pico pin layout help

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This is my third weblog entry about the Raspberry Pico. Indeed I am paying a lot of attention to this board lately and that is because I am writing a book about the Pico. If you are interested send me an email and I will inform you when it is available.

There is a big annoyance when working with the Raspberry Pico.

Ok, just a picture of the Pico on a breadboard. Nothing special.
Adding breadboard wires is when the annoyance begins. There is no indication on the numbering or layout of the pins.

Well actually there is pin numbering on the Pico, but it is on the backside. That's no good when it is mounted on a breadboard.

Therefore I made myself a small aid.

It is just a small print with the pin numbers and the GP numbering.

Just print it and lay it on top of your Pico and it is much easier to know where to put which wire.

For your convenience I give you here the links where to download the picture and a PDF containing 5 pieces at the right size.

Click here to be redirected to the picture

Click here to be redirected to the PDF file containing 5 pieces.

If you want to print the picture yourself, make sure you resize it to 5.1 x 2 cm.

Till next time
Have fun

Luc Volders