Friday, March 17, 2023

File transfer with Telegram

For an index to all my stories click this text.

Easing your life is always an interesting option. And I found a new way to achieve that.

Sometimes I need to transfer files from my Android Phone to my computer. These files can be anything. From screenshots of my projects meant for my weblog or photo's or anything else that I might want to keep.

Until now I have been using Google Drive for this. On my phone I click the file, click on share, choose Google Drive and save the file on Drive. At the PC side I do not have drive installed. So I use the webversion of drive. I choose the files and download them. Then I transfer them from the download folder to where I want to have them. I bet this is what most people do.

I found however an easier version, when I was playing with Telegram.
Like discussed in a previous story about Telegram there is a webversion available. You can re-red how to use that here.

A nice addition is that you can use that to transfer files from your Android Phone to your PC easily.

From Android to your PC

First chose a file. It can (like said above) anythink. A photo, a screenshot, an APK file you downloaded or anything you like.

Here I chose a photo I took from my customer counter project.

Choose the triangle sign at the bottom of the screen. It says share or in Dutch Delen.

Choose share with Telegram

Choose with whome you want to share the file. I choose my Telegram Bot called Myhome.

and there it is in Telegram an your Android Phone.

Now open Telegram on your PC

Here are the messages from Myhome. And the picture is there.

Now use the right mouse button and choose Save As and save the picture on your PC.

From your PC to Android

So what if you want to transfer files the other way round. From your PC to your phone.
Well that's equally easy. Start with opening telegram on your PC. Open the chat with your bot. In my case that is Myhome.

At the bottom of the screen click on the square icon (where the arrow points). Your PC's fileselectro will open.

I chose a picture of a painting my girlfriend made.

It will take a while to send the picture to Telegram as it is a few hundred K's. But then it is available on your phone and you can download it there.

If you want to send the high resolution versions of your pictures, click on the paperclip and make sure you set compression off (in the 3 dots menu at the top of the page).

That's all. Easy and convenient. And like I said you can do this with any file on your Phone.

Till next time
have fun

Luc Volders