Friday, May 19, 2023

Delft Maker Fair 2023

For an index to all my stories click this text

Last weekend I attended the Maker Fair at the Technical University campus in Delft.

For those who are not familiar with the term Maker Fair, a small explanation.
There is a maqgazine called Make. The Magzine covers all kinds of technical fields. Not only electronics but also mechanics, robotics, aerospace etc. etc. etc.
And worldwide they encourage people to organise technical fairs.
And so each year there are some fairs in the Netherlands. I have attended (during several years) Maker Fairs in the city's of Groningen, Eindhoven and now Delft.

Each time I am pleasantly surprised about the creativity and ingenuity that are on display.

There were several stands with robots. There was a Boston Dynamics robot dog look alike. Only smaller. There were robots playing football. A robot that did acrobatics (with the aid of a human) etc.

Many 3D printers were on display but also people who made add-ons. One was printing Delft Blue Tiles. You could have a line drawing of yourself printed. But something really impressive as an add-on for most commercial available printers (Creality etc) that can print ceramics and wood-pulp etc. It worked with a syringe. Open source of course.

Delft University was showing a hydrogin powered boat with which they were participating in the world-wide racing contest in Monaco this year.

And of course there were several work-shops where you could learn the basics of programming and interfacing Arduino's. Raspberry's and Raspberry Pico's.

The weather was great, not a cloud in sight. So a lot was done outdoors.

It is great to see how much fun people have in building all kinds of projects. And it is great to see how kids get interested in technology this way.

If there ever is a Maker Fair in your neighbourhood, do attend it. It is really fun.

Till next time
Have fun

Luc Volders